Choosing a software vendor for business is always real trouble. But choosing a software company for a large enterprise is double trouble because such businesses always need complex systems that affect the work of all the numerous departments. And it is very important to implement a robust and easily customizable solution that will best suit your needs.

When it comes to enterprise resourсe planning (ERP) software, there can never be a one-size-fits-all approach. But still, we have managed to choose the top 7 recommendations on how to select an ERP development company.

Top 7 selection criteria for erp systems development

Your industry is the top priority

Software companies often lack competence though having strong programming skills. So, one of the key factors that an enterprise should pay attention to when searching for an ERP system vendor is a proven track record in your industry. Seasoned software developers will provide a solution in compliance with all the standards and strict industry specifics. So ask vendors to demonstrate their experience in your industry with recent references and portfolio.

Ask for the total development and ownership cost assessment

The cost of software development is one of the crucial factors that incline enterprises to choose a particular company. You should ask for the approximate cost of the custom ERP development and total cost of ownership (TCO), and they, of course, should fit into your budget without any hidden costs. TCO includes the cost of a user license, staff training, maintenance, settings, upgrades, internal expenses, and other fees.

See portfolio projects and clients’ testimonials

Do not waste time on reading reviews on the company’s website because they can be too ideal. Instead, ask for a list of the relevant customers who have been using the ERP system for a year or more in the same industry as yours and are faced with similar requirements.

Ask for a prototype

In order to check how an ERP system will handle the needs of your enterprise, ask software vendors for a prototype. With a prototype, you will see how the system works in ideal conditions and it is vital to get a sample to verify if there is a correspondence between reality and your expectations. At this stage, you can also check technical resources, meet the development team or at least some of its members, and see if the software company is ready to adapt the solution to your requirements.

Inquire about maintenance and support 

Building an ERP system is an investment which means that you will need a long-lasting partnership with a software development company. So, before shaking hands, ask the provider about maintenance and support options. Typically, maintenance and support include: monitoring ERP system servers, post implementation support, backups, and many other valuable services.

Evaluate all the competitors

Create a shortlist of the best development companies that can build ERP software for your enterprise and contact them all. Read unbiased ratings made by reputable agencies, talk to the past clients, compare prices and the suggested development time. Remember that you don’t need just any software development company, you need the best one that will convert your business needs into a functional solution.

Take care of staff training options

In order to use an ERP system more effectively, choose a software provider which offers post implementation staff training. When employees understand how to use the system correctly, it will give them the opportunity to improve their efficiency.

ERP software selection criteria


Choosing an ERP vendor, you have no right to make a mistake, because the workflow and overall productivity of the company depend on the quality of the system. A careful selection of a software development provider will definitely help to automate multiple processes, control budgeting, increase ROI, provide visibility, and enhance the likelihood of your enterprise’s success.